Easy Tips for Yoga Lovers to Enjoy More Benefits

Easy Tips for Yoga Lovers to Enjoy More Benefits

Yoga does lots of benefits for all of us, especially for the female. For example, it can help us improve our body and mind strength, spirit peace and balance and enhance our body’s flexibility; But how can we do yoga well and efficiently?

Here are some basic and practical tips for those who would like to do yoga well and efficiently, especially for yoga beginners.

Yoga tips

Set our goal first

Setting our yoga goal is the very first and most important step before we take any further move. No goal, no passion; no passion, no success; while we cannot set a big goal which we cannot achieve no matter how hard we work on it, so we should set the yoga goal based on and comply with our practical situation.

Make a specific plan and stick to it

After we set our yoga goal, then we need to make a very specific practicing plan. For instance, we need to do yoga twice a day, 30 minutes per time.

Our yoga plan should be detailed to per day, per time and per hour.

Be consistent!!

Yoga postures

Prepare well before executing the yoga plan

Here are the basic items we should get prepared before we start doing yoga:

GET OUR YOGA MAT. We do not just buy a yoga mat, but we need to like or even love our yoga mat, that is, we need to be satisfied with its price, its color, its size or even its smell. Why? If we like and love our yoga mat, we would love to do yoga more, just like if we love our cellphone, we will use and play with it more; while if we do not, the yoga mat will affect our mind or even spirit when doing yoga.

GET A DIGITAL TIMER. We do not suggest to using our cellphone as the yoga timer, on the contrary, we suggest to putting the cellphone away or at least mute the cellphone when doing yoga. If take the cellphone clock/timers as our yoga timer, believe me, we cannot even finish one yoga posture, because its notifications, ringtones and incoming calls will force us to get distracted. Here we recommend JIMUTO DIGITAL TIMER JDT-303 to all of you because its practical features such as its 4-inch large LCD display, 3 levels of volume and brightness settings and its mirror surface which can help us correct our yoga posture if needed.

digital cooking timer

GET A COMFORTABLE PLACE. We do not need a spacious place or an empty room, we need a comfortable place. If we think the living room is comfortable, then it is the place we need, if the bedroom is comfortable, then it is the bedroom. But the surrounding of the place should be quiet when we doing yoga.

LEARN YOGA KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS IN ADVANCE. Do not over estimate our reflection without learning professional knowledges and skills. We can learn from books, online videos. Learn before taking specific action.

Adjust our mood

Happy mood can help us learn fast and enjoy more outcoming from doing yoga, so every time before we do yoga, we need to adjust our mood to the best status. For example, we can listen some happy and soft music or have some happy conversation with friends or families or play some favorite games. And if our mood cannot be at the best status, please do not force ourselves to do yoga. Happy mood, happy yoga and more outcoming from yoga.

digital countdown timer

Pay attention to food eating before doing yoga

We do not suggest to doing yoga with a heavy stomach. Healthy diet and light stomach are suggested for yoga practice.

Do not rush to it

We should have passions for yoga, but we cannot be eager for outcoming or achievements from yoga practicing. We need to enjoy yoga step by step, day by day.

Treat our body and yoga posture gently

Yoga is not the same as other physical practice and fitness, even they may have the same goal. When we do yoga, we need to wear comfortable clothing which does not mean professional yoga clothing only, and we need to go through our exercises easily and take some short breaks between each pose. Treat our body and yoga gently with a smile.

big digit dual timer

Try different yoga poses if we are ready

When we are confident that our body is suitable for different yoga poses, then try some new and different yoga poses and techniques to get more benefits.

Yoga timer recommended from JIMUTO:


loud kitchen timers
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