Do let the thermometer probe avoid the bones and fat to make sure to insert the thermometer properly for accurate temp reading
If your thermometer isn’t placed into your meat the correct way, the temperature read may be inaccurate. And the bone and the fat will affect the accurate temp reading;

For example, if you’re cooking a turkey, you’ll want your thermometer to be in the breast—the thickest part of the bird—but not touching any internal bones. For a leg of lamb, go for the hunkiest, meatiest part, rather than the skinnier meat areas.
Keep focusing on the cooking time
Remember that meat will continue to cook and increase in temperature for several minutes after it’s removed from heat, so if you’re aiming for poultry at 165 degrees Fahrenheit, stopping the cook at 160 degrees will ensure you get that perfect final temp.

Thermometer is not only for meat cooking
It can be used for lots of cooking scenarios such as fish, seafood, deep frying and candy only under its temperature ranges;

Keep your thermometer clean from germ
If we do the slow cooking, the thermometer probe may contact with the raw meat, and we cannot make sure that it is absolutely away from other done cooked, so we need to and have to keep the thermometer, especially its probe, clean from germ. Make the cleaning every time before and after we use it.

Sticking to the presets is a must
Making the machine doing most of the cooking tasks for us is easy, but even tough it is also easy for us to suffer from over or under cooking, so it is still a must for us to stick to the presets.

Trust your thermometer
Thermometer can do us great help when cooking, especially when we cook a new recipe, because we cannot see the inside cooking or make frequently temperature or cooking check;

Recommendation from JIMUTO:
JIMUTO INSTANT THERMOMETER to help you master your cooking temperature;
JIMUTO KITCHEN TIMER to help you master your cooking time;