Delivery and Shipping Policy
Shipping Fee
Free Shipping on ALL Orders.
We cannot ship to the following 13 areas:
Armed Forces - Americas
Armed Forces - Europe/Africa/Canada
Armed Forces - Pacific
American Samoa
Marshall Islands
Federated States of Micronesia
Northern Mariana Islands
Puerto Rico
Virgin Islands
Thank you for your understanding and forgiveness.
Shipping Orders
Orders will be shipped within 1-3 business days of processing payment unless noted at the time order is placed or you receive an email notice that an item in your order has been delayed.
Some products will be shipped from our local warehouse in the US, they will choose the best carrier considering the shipping address and our availability for our customers.
Orders that cannot be shipped from the local warehouse will be directly shipped from our factories in China.
Delivery Times
Shipped from local warehouse:
2-5 business days, shipped by the USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc.
Shipped from China:
3-12 business days shipped by UPS, DHL, FedEx, 4XP, YUNexpress and etc.
Orders shipped from China will take anywhere from 3-12 business days, depending upon the mode of transport chosen and the final destination of the goods.
Typically, for orders including more than one item, we try to make sure all your items reach you at the same time. Sometimes our products are not always sent together since different shipping options can be used, depending on the product. Once an item has been shipped, you will receive an e-mail notice.
The Situation You May Come Across With
The packaged you receive may has the mark of being unpacked, this is because the Customs from your country may unpack your package to check and to make sure the package is legal, and we do not have the right to demand the Customs NOT to do it. If you come across with this situation, please DO CHECK THE PRODUCT YOU RECEIVE IS INTACT AND UNDAMAGED ONCE YOU GET THE PACKAGE.
If the product you receive is intact and undamaged, please do not worry about the unpacked thing, and product refund or return or exchange is not acceptable to us, please kindly notice and offer your forgiveness and understanding.
If the product your receive is damaged, please do contact us immediately via emailing to, we will do the check and investigation for you and will keep very closed communication with you until the issue is solved.